Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I know I am not the best blogger but here is some recent stuff! Its been a rough month with the kidney stones and Daisy dieing and with work I haven't been much for writing!!!
Here are a few pictures!
This slobbery, boogery mess is just the cutest little thing!!!
This is our annual family picture!
Besides my wife this is the reason I do everything!
So this is a first in the Birch family! Heidi and I as well as the kids have never ever dyed eggs! We had a good time and brought back alot of fond memories past.
SO I always like to leave you all on a laughing note! Kassidy loves to make this little scrunchy nose and when she does Heidi and I just laugh!


  1. Your kids are adorable! I love your family picture. My favorite part of it is that your picture from last year is hanging on the wall in the background. Poetic.

  2. Man you guys have cute kids! I'd have to say Alexa is the cutest girl over in Boise right now! But I am just biased for girls!

  3. I didn't know you guys had a blog! We will add you to our list. Way cute kids.

  4. You've never dyed eggs? Deprivation!!!
    Your kids are super cute!

  5. Man that guy Andy is the coolest under 40 year old I have ever known!
